Out of The Equation
The third book in my first series, Out of The Equation had a job to do. It had to pick up where Out of Their League left off and continue the adventures of the cast of characters. By this point, I had joined a group on Facebook called 20Books, recommended to me by Daniel Hurst,…
Out Of Their League
This one was a clean slate. I’d finished the first book with an option to continue the story but no particular clues as to what would happen, so it was up to me. It’s a cliche perhaps but the characters do begin to write their own stories. That makes it sound easy but it isn’t…
Out of His Depth
This was my first book – the one that took years to write (on, off, on, off, on…etc.) and became the one that took me the final step from being someone who wanted to write a book to someone who finally did it. But boy is that a big step – finishing that first one.…